And then I accidentally posted, but whatever. I don’t have enough colored pencils? Also ugh Crayola. Someday I’ll get nice colored pencils. Ref for the octopus.
Author: syntheid
for coerulescens
Hate everything I draw, whoops.
Hey look, my scanner works again. Also more heads. Have a Corey or two. And a terrible hand. I didn’t care enough.
Wanted to do a ‘redraw’ of an older work for comparison. Top right is from ~2004, bottom left is today. (Ghost’s been redesigned a bit; Sin just actually looks Asian for once, she always was.)
Apparently my scanner has issues. But a slightly better photo from yesterday* and some expression practice from today. Thanks to kxhara/dA
*(ETA— archiving/consolidating since it’s silly to have two posts with the same picture: I draw Giselle different every time. I’m still trying to figure out how she’s supposed to look? But I had the thought today that Selle probably is not actually as waif-thin as I previously tended to draw her, partly because she wouldn’t think that’s especially pretty anyway. FYI, partly I draw her so much because I keep trying to figure it out, and partly because she wears ridiculous things that are fun to draw.
Also I’m too lazy to use my scanner, olol.)
ETA: removed the extraneous picture of Selle and so this is just random anatomy practice.
And one more for good measure, lulz. 90 second poses and some hands. (Lulz, most boring sketchlog? Someday I will doodle fun things.)
Playing around with literal turnarounds using posemaniacs. Also artrage. I’m starting to like the ink pen for sketches?
Doodling over doodles from 2004, olol. Giselle’s unfinished face is slightly terrifying.
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